Namespacing in JavaScript

Global variables should be reserved for objects that have system-wide relevance and they should be named to avoid ambiguity and minimize the risk of naming collisions. In practice this means you should avoid creating global objects unless they are absolutely necessary.

Addy Osmain Namespacing | Namespacing | Stack Overflow Namespacing in JavaScript | JS Doc Namespacing | *** Stack Overflow Name Spacing ***

Weblog Namespacing | Code Project Namespace | Stack Overflow Classes and Name Space | Reddit Classes and Namespacing

JavaScript Design Patterns
O'Reilly The Singleton Pattern | Do Factory JavaScript Design Patterns | Addy Osmain JavaScript Design Patterns
Lamdatest JavaScript Design Patterns | Code Source JavaScript Design Patterns | Toptal JavaScript Design Patterns

Prototype Pattern

As we have already mentioned throughout the article, JavaScript does not support classes in its native form. Inheritance between objects is implemented using prototype-based programming.

It enables us to create objects which can serve as a prototype for other objects being created. The prototype object is used as a blueprint for each object the constructor creates.

As we have already talked about this in the previous sections, let’s show a simple example of how this pattern might be used.

  var personPrototype = {
    sayHi: function() {
        console.log("Hello, my name is " + + ", and I am " + this.age);
    sayBye: function() {
        console.log("Bye Bye!");

function Person(name, age) {
    name = name || "John Doe";
    age = age || 26;

    function constructorFunction(name, age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    constructorFunction.prototype = personPrototype;

    var instance = new constructorFunction(name, age);
    return instance;

var person1 = Person();
var person2 = Person("Bob", 38);

// prints out Hello, my name is John Doe, and I am 26
// prints out Hello, my name is Bob, and I am 38

Importance of Namespace in JavaScript

Unfortunately JavaScript doesn’t provide namespace by default. So anything (function, method, object, variable) we create in JavaScript is global and we continue polluting that global namespace by adding more to that. But the good news is that we can create namespace in JavaScript and that too very easily. As we know, in JavaScript everything is an object and creating an object is very simple. We can achieve namespace very easily with some minor tweaks.

Note: Do your naming convention in such a manner that it will be self explanatory and not conflict other Library.

      calculateTax: function (item) {
          return item * 1.40;
      product: function (cost) {
          this.cost = cost;
          this.getCost = function(){
                            return this.cost;
      doTaxCalculations: function () {
          var p = new MYAPPLICATION.product(100);

Using Module

  MYAPP.MODEL.PRODUCTS.product = function(cost) {
    //cost is the private variable
    var cost = cost;   
    return {
        isTaxable: true,
        getCost: function(){                                               
            return cost;                                            

Factory Pattern Method
Do Factory Design Patterns Factory Method | Geeks Factory Pattern Method | Tuts Factory Pattern Method | JS Tuts Factory Functions

The Constructor Pattern
O'Reilly Constructor Pattern | Educative Constructor Pattern | JS Tuts Constructor Pattern | Stack Overflow Constructor Pattern

Constructors With Prototypes
MDN Constructor with Prototypes | JS Tuts Constructors With Prototypes | w3 Constructors With Prototypes | JS Kit Constructor with Prototypes

Sencha extjs

The Singleton Pattern
Do Factory Singleton Patterns | Stack Overflow Singleton Pattern | Dev to Singleton | Codeburst Singleton | Digital Ocean Singleton Pattern