Culinary Consulting Food Cost
That which is in the Best Interest of the Business!!
Food Cost
1 Units of Measure and Unit Conversions
1.1 Measurements Used in the Professional Kitchen
When measuring ingredients in the kitchen, you measure by weight (gravitational pull) or by volume (a defined amount of space). The focuses of this chapter are (1) the formal standards by which ingredients are measured in the professional kitchen and (2) converting quantities from one unit of measure to another. There are two commonly used systems of measurement: the U.S. customary system and the metric system. The metric system, which is formally known as the Système International d’Unités (SI), is the most prevalent standard across the globe. Both SI and U.S. customary unit standards will be discussed in this text. Care has been taken to pare down the amount of information to manageable quantities for the emergent professional. Over time you will expand your knowledge base past the contents of this resource. The Culinary Institute of America (CIA). Math for the Professional Kitchen (p. 2). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
Escoffier Measurements | Culinary Pro Culinary Math | Webstaurant Measurements1.2 Converting Units of Measure Within Weight or Within Volume
Webstraunt Cooking Conversion Chart | Culinary School Conversion | Omni CalculatorNational Weights and Measures NIST
Executive Chef
** Culinary Pro Mis En Plac ** | ** Mis En Plac ** | Mis En Plac NPR** Bon Appetit Mis En Plac ** |
** Intro to Mis En Plac PDF ** | Chef ~vs~ Executive Chef
Executive Chef
Also called the Head Chef, this is the chef responsible for overseeing all kitchen operations. Simply put, the Executive Chef is the boss of the kitchen. This position is generally filled by somebody with 10-15 years of restaurant and management experience and they work from the opening of the restaurant until closing time. So if this sounds like your dream job, prepare to basically live in the kitchen and work your way up to it. Responsibilities include: - Planning menus - Supervising activities of the sous chefs, other chefs, and other cooks - Recruiting and hiring the kitchen staff - Planning employee schedules
Escoffier Chef Auguste Escoffier
Manage Your Time as a Chef | Books to Read
Food Quality
Menu Recipe Development
Seasonal Winter Spring Summer Fall Local Harvest's Sustainable Wild Fresh
Menu Recipe Development, Costing, Training, Implementation
** Blog Typsy Menu Development ** | Menu Development and Design | Developing a DishCatering Menu Ideas
Kitchen Space Limitations
There is never enough space in a professional kitchen so you must get used to working in close quarters. Everyone is vying for space and chefs can get territorial when it comes to their work space. This is where working efficiently and economically will be to a cook’s advantage. Don’t spread out and take over someone else’s space. Always clean up after yourself and don’t leave a trail of leftover equipment or unclean areas after you finish a prep. Make sure you return communal equipment or food items like herbs and spices to their proper location so the next person can easily locate it.
Food Stations and Equipment
Pasta 6 Burners and Oven
Pizza Prep Under cooler upper 12 @ quarter pans
Shot Caller ~ Calls Orders
Saute 6 Burners and Oven
Pizza Prep Under cooler upper 12 @ quarter pans
Refers 2 Dairy Produce Backup Prep Meats Seafoods
Pass-Out ~ Expediter
Apps Station
Starch Pasta ~ Potato
Hot Plates HOT! ~ Oven
Cold Plates COLD! ~ Freezer
YT Pork FabricationCheeses
** La Cucino Stracchino ** |Spaces
** Caputo Flour ** Pizza Dough Recipes |If your not making Mistakes...You NOT Trying HARD ENOUGH...Trying New Things
Expect What You Inspect
Date, Rotate, Consolidate
Great Recipes
** Eataly Tagliatelle Bolognese **Kitchen Design and Workflow
** Restaurant Kitchen Design and Workflow **Overview to yadyada
Potential Solutions
Pizza Prep Tables, 9 pans as opposed to quarter pans. Friday and Saturday Hammer Time: Bain Marie of 4 to 6 Sauces on Back Burners, quarte to sixth pans main mother sauces for 4 hours, just to get over the hump
Remove some un needed equipment just during service? Where to store out of the way?
CartoucheHealth Department
CIA Foodies | Mulino Caputo FlourIndustry
** Executive Chef Culinary Schools Organization**Translations
Google TranslationPranza ala Italiana = Have lunch at la Italiana
per cominciare = To Begin
Recipes by Category
ACF Pasta | Entre | Fresh PastaSchiaffoni | Cavolfiore | Cavatelli
Master Class Thomas Ketter Cavatelli
Tagliatelle | Paccheri
Master Class Thomas Ketter Linguini
** YT Bone Appetite Half Steer Butchery ** | NY Beef pdf | Cuts** Chefs Resources Cuts of Beef **
GuancialeHow to Butcher an Entire Pig: Every Cut of Pork Explained | Handcrafted | Bon Appetit
Bon Appetit Pork ButcheryVeal
USDA Veal Grading | Veal Fabrication | ** YT Frenched Veal Chops **Lamb
How To Butcher a Whole Tuna: Every Cut of Fish Explained | Handcrafted | Bon Appétit
Whole Tuna Butcher