E-Mail Marketing
H1 Tester
H2 Tester
H3 Tester
H4 Tester
H5 Tester
H6 Tester
- Ul Li
- Ul Li
- Planning and Tactics
- Target Market
- Permission Based Email Marketing as Opposed to SPAM - Double Opt-In
- Content Creation - Call to Action
- Subject Line A/B Testing
- Design Template
- Responsive Tested and Verified
- Analytics
- Click Thru, Open Rates, Retention
- List Hygiene, Unsubs, Bounce, Etc
Importance of Permission Based Email Marketing
Source: Moosend - What is an ESP and Why Should You Care? | Source: Lyfe Marketing Permission Based Email Marketing | Source: Constant Contact Permission Based Email Marketing | Source: Constant Contact Can Spam Act ArticleSource: Constant Contact Opt-In
Target Market
Source: Constant Contact Why Email Marketing
Source: Campaign Monitor Customer Relationship Building in Email Marketing
Source: Active Campaign Building Client Relationship Building in Email Marketing
Building Your Quality Restaurant email marketing List: Permission Based! Double Opt-In
Road Map
Discover the Value of Having a Road Map..Editorial Calendar 1 Discover the Value of Having a Road Map..Editorial Calendar 2 | Discover the Value of Having a Road Map..Editorial Calendar 3Best Practices Planning in Advance
Really Good Emails Welcome EmailContent: Subject Line and Content
Section 3: Email Campaign Creation, Subject Line, Content, Ad Copy, Copywriting, Story Telling
Source: ** Delivra 100 Great Subject Lines **Email Campaign Creatives Design Templates
** Campaign Monitor ** | ** Really Good Emails **Section 4: Creatives, Images, Icons, Borders
Section 5: Creatives Responsive, Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop
Technical Software Tools Email Developer Tools
inline CSS, Image compression, icons, borders, video in email???, ide, smtp, from who?,
nuts and bolts actually building the campaign maybe a checklist
tools, toolbox, litmus builder, vs code, atom, textastic, smtp configuration and checklists,
Software Apps
VS Code | Litmus Builder | Textastic | AtomTesting and Proofing Before Sending- Pre-Flight Checklist
Test Test Test and Test Again
Module: Post Send Analytics
Bounce Rate, Unsubscribes, Open Rates, Conversion Rates
Section 8: A/B Variations Testing
Section 9: Analytics
Section 10: Pitfalls and Potholes Do's and Donts
Planning Guide and Workbook
Finished Usable Work for Production
Review and Re-Cap Rating, Done
Road map, Bread Crumbs... Where you are now...You are Here..1 of 6??
Benefits of HTML Email Campaigns
** Benefits **Creating personalized content
Collecting feedback and surveys
Improving sales
Communicating with your audience
Generating traffic to your site
Resources and Sources
Key Demographics, Personalized, Engagement, Customer Journey Unique, Educate, Enable,
Email Database Building Double Opt-in Vs Single Opt-In
Mailchimp Single vs Double Opt-In | * Campaign Monitor Double Opt-In * | Big Commerce Double Opt-InMailer Lite Double Opt-In | ** Sumo Double Opt-In ** | ** Marketo Opt-In **
* Campaign Monitor Opt-in Best Practices * | ** HTML.com Email Marketing Step by Step **
Source: Campaign Monitor
Source: Active Campaign
EngagementOverview of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign
create, send, analyze, a/b testing, click through rates
Identify Your Target Audience and Demographics
Step 1: Gather and Scrub Database
Gather Client Database, Export from Outlook or other mailing list, scrub, prioritize and export into
Step 2: Design, Create and Test Email Campaign(s)
Design Custom Email Campaign Look and Feel. One Time Fee per Design $xxx.00
Step 3: Campaign Delivery
Step 4: Performance Analytics Reports
Open Rates
ClickThrough Rates
Bounce Rates
Step 5: A/B Multivariate Testing
- 5.1
- 5.2
- 5.3
- 5.4
- 5.5
Pitfalls and Potholes...To Be Avoided at All Costs
Bonus: To avoid and not waste time, energy and money
Acceptable Use Policies
Active Campaign Acceptable Use Policy | Mailchimp Acceptable Use Policy |My experience of a high bounce rate and losing the use of the tool until cleaned up the list..list hygene..
Note: Adobe Business Catalyst, cost me over $500.00 due to the rules and policy, pre pay for a number of sends
cost time, money, resources, had to create a scrub javascript app
Do NOT Buy A List!!!
Do NOT Ignore Unsubscribes!
Email Marketing Resources
** Proper Source Citation ** | Annoying Email MarketingNotes:
AWS Email Services,
expand your online presence in a measurable way through a customized marketing strategy.
Test and render your emails across the most popular clients, apps and devices
find, convert, engage, and retain more customers
a full service email consulting firm that helps develop revenue streams and grow engaged audiences through strategic consultation and email marketing support for businesses looking to improve email-driven revenue.
Engage and retain more customers automatically
helps you separate the low-quality addresses from high-value contacts. Protect your reputation, increase open rates
*** "create a role play scenario with customer journey mapping"
thoughtful customer experience by refining customer journeys to boost conversions,
build highly personalized and relevant communications and maximize ROI
Mailgun is a developer-focused email delivery platform that empowers companies to send, receive, and track transactional and marketing emails through an API.
Shaw + Scott is a digital communications agency with a passion for customer relationship marketing. They specialize in strategic, creative and technical solutions to help define, craft and support your email, mobile, social and web campaigns.
Responsive Email Design Templates
** Litmus Templates ** | ** Campaign Monitor Responsive Templates ** | ** Colorlib Responsive Templates ** | Campaign Monitor Creative Examples***** HTML Templates *****
** Great Example Colorlib Restaurant Template ** ** Github Restobar Template HTML File **Design Aspects to Consider
Layout, Logos, Colors, Images, Fonts, Icons, SVG, Opacity, Blurr, UX, UI
Email Marketing Best Practices
** Hubspot Best Practices ** |Content What to Say Sequence
** Dubsado What to Say in Email Message Body **Key Production Apps, Software, Platforms and Technical Tools in the Toolbox
Email Editor App is Hool.ie now known as Group Mail
** Group Mail ** | ** SMTP to Go ** | Less Annoying CRM** Get Response ** |
Work Flow in a Nutshell
Decide on Message Topic
Gather Assets
Layout, Design, Template, Responsive
Analytics, Measure Results
Scrub List, Remove Unsubscribes
Adjust, Learn, Repeat
Workflow | Workflow WhyMore Email Marketing Sources
** Get Response ** | ** Litmus ** | * Wiki Email Marketing *Constant Contact|
Mail Chimp | ** Email on Acid ** | Iterable
Salesforce Email Studio | Active Campaign | ** Mailgun **
Email Testing and Validation Tools
Mail Tester | ** Mail Tester Zero Bounce ** | HunterContent Creation, Copywriting and Ad Copy
** Content for Email Marketing **Subject Line and A/B Testing
Subject Line that Converts | ** Word Stream Increase Open Rates **Datatype and CSV, Import Export Data File Type Conversion
List Segment
A/B Multi Variant Testing
Mail Parser Integrations |HubSpot
HubSpot IntegrationsAdvanced Topics and Enterprise Level Platforms
** Campaign Monitor-CM-Commerce Automated ** | ** Mailgun DKIM Article **Domain Authority
** MOZ Domain Authority **Video, Animation in Email
Hippo Video | Word Stream Video in Email | Campaign Monitor Video in Email** Litmus Guide to Animation in Email **