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** Today **


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W 3
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Good Parts
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Developer Roadmap
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Repl it
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Editor P5
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Exl Skills from MDN
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*** MDN Front-End-Dev ***

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Rest Api
Chrome Dev Tools Snippets
MDN Dev Tools Scratchpad
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Codepen Dashboard
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MDN getElementById
W3 getElementById
Template Literals

REST API Endpoint

JSON Placeholder
API Request Demo


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w3schools InnerHTML
StackOverflow InnerHTML
w3schools InnerTEXT
StackOverflow InnerHTML
w3schools JavaScript Reference
w3schools Array Reference
w3schools Functions
MDN Functions
YouTube Functions
Rest Api Json Placeholder
Get Date
w3Schools Create DOM Element
Persist to Local Storage
Event Propagation - Bubbling


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MDN DOM Glossary
DOM Remove
DOM Crash Course
Walking the DOM
MDN Document.createTextNode
Clear Input Field
JSON.parse Local Storage
Traverse the DOM
New Operator

Model View Controller (MVC)

A List Apart MVC


Codepen Dashboard


Prototype Chain


Regex Fireship
* Regexr *

Json Server

** Json Server **
** Json Data Placeholder **

JavaScript Apps Projects

5 Projects YT
To-Do Application

Web Components

MDN Web Components

Stencil js

Stencil Getting Started
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Stencil Method
* YT Stencil Decorators *
React Dom Virtual Dom
Code Academy Virtual Dom
React jsx
Devopedia Web Components
YT Traversy Web Components
Slots Composition
Shadow Dom

React and JSX

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React JSX
Pre-Built Projects
** Learning React **
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Code Grepper
Code Grepper


Mozilla (MDN)
MDN JavaScript Guide
MDN Intermediate Use Cases
MDN Common Mistakes
MDN Basic Definitions
MDN Creating a String
MDN Learn JavaScript Modules
MDN See Also
Learn Programming
Learn JavaScript
Json to Table Data Table
Data Table App
Cloud Tables

Interview Questions
30 Second Interviews
Higher Order Functions
Event Delegation

MDN Reference
MDN Statements
MDN Iterations
MDN Functions and Classes
MDN Primary Expressions
MDN Ternary Operators

JavaScript Info
JavaScript Info

Do Factory
Do Factory JavaScript Patterns

** Demo 2s JavaScript **
JavaScript 30
JavaScript 30

Object Oriented Programming
YT P5 Classes ES6
w3 Object Constructors
w3 Class Constructor
Code Pen Class Constructor

JavaScript Libraries
Date FNS
Test Driven Development
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JavaScript Tutorials
Event Loop

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Code Academy Cheat Sheet
Modern JS

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MDN JavaScript Intermediate
MDN JavaScript Advanced
VS Code Extensions

JS Objects

** Code Academy Objects Cheat Sheet **
MDN Objects
* W3 Create Object *
W3 Display Objects

JS Array

Array Summary
Array Methods
Array Destructuring
Array 2
Array Pop, Push, Shift
Array Map
Arrays and Loops
* Codepen Array *
JS Array Reference W3
W3 Array Reference
** JavaScript Array Reference **

Ternary Operator
Higher Order
Coding Game Closures
Dev to Event-Loop
Flavio Event-Loops
Educative EventLoop

JavaScript Date Time


JavaScript Demonstrations of Api's, Applications, Games, Code Examples

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JavaScript Sandbox

** JavaScript Sandbox Home Page **


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*** Codepen Array in an HTML Table ***

JavaScript 30

JavaScript 30

Work in Progress

JavaScript Form Validation in Node Backend..wip

Fetch, REST, Promise

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Gist Github | P5 Js Clocks |

JavaScript Functions

** MDN Functions **

A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task.
A JavaScript function is executed when "something" invokes it (calls it).

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  Execute the function named myFunction.

  function myFunction() {
    alert("Hello World!");

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JavaScript Objects

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JavaScript Arrays

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JavaScript Callbacks

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Free Code Camp JavaScript Callback | ** JavaScript Info JavaScript Callback ** | MDN JavaScript Callback
w3 Try It JavaScript Callback 3

Use the function keyword to declare a function
Use the functionName() to call or invoke a function to execute it.
A function implicitly returns undefined, use the return statement to explicitly specify the return value for the function.
The arguments is an object that is accessible only inside the function body. It represents the arguments of the function.
The function hoisting allows you to place the call to the function before the function declaration.

Synchronous and Asynchronous JavaScript Callbacks

w3 Asynchronous JavaScript
JavaScript Promises
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JavaScript Async/Await
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JavaScript Events and Event Handlers

w3 JavaScript Events

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Chrome DeBugging
Json Data Samplers
Awesome Json Datasets | ** Fake JSON ** | Observable JSON Placeholder | ** Go Make Things JSON Api **

    "name": "John",
    "age": 31,
    "pets": [{
        "animal": "dog",
        "name": "Fido"
        "animal": "cat",
        "name": "Felix"
        "animal": "hamster",
        "name": "Lightning"

JavaScript Strings

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w3 String Methods | w3 Slice Method| Programiz Strings
* JavaScript String Escape Characters * | Free Formatter Escape Characters| Dev To Escape Characters
** Quackit JavaScript Escape **| w3 Concatenate Strings| w3 JavaScript String Reference

var str1 = "Hello ";
var str2 = "world!";
var str3 = " Have a nice day!";
var res = str1.concat(str2, str3);

** 15 JavaScript String Functions ** | ** Edureka 20 JavaScript String Functions

Concatenate the two strings to alert "Hello World!".

  var str1 = "Hello ";
  var str2 = "World!";
  alert(str1 + str2);

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w3 Schools Exercises
w3 JavaScript Exercises

JavaScript String replace() examples

  Use the correct String method to replace the word "Hello" with the word "Welcome".

  var txt = "Hello World";
  txt = txt.
  ("Hello", "Welcome");

To Upper Case

MDN toUpperCase |

  Convert the value of txt to upper case.

  var txt = "Hello World";
  txt = 

To Lower Case

MDN toLowerCase |
RG GitHub Repos | RG GitHub Gist
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JavaScript Top 50

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Classes | Error Handling | Promises Async Await
Generators Advanced Iterators | Modules | Misc

JavaScript Operators
I Love Coding Operators
JavaScript Templating
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JavaScript "This" Keyword
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JavaScript Object Constructors
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JavaScript Array
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JavaScript Array W3 | JavaScript Array.Shift MDN | JavaScript Array.Pop
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Flatten Arrays in Vanilla JavaScript with flat() and flatMap()
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JavaScript For, Do, While Loops
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Run in Terminal cd to folder, file, node run file name

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Papa Parse
JSON Double Quotes!! vs Single Quotes
JSON Double Quotes vs Single Quotes
Note: Syntax Rules!! JSON is double quotes "..." not single quotes '...' Key Value Pairs: {"Name": "Value"} JavaScript Object -vs- JavaScript Object Notation Differences
JavaScript Object | JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

  let person = {
    "name": "Robert",

JSON Lint Validator

From JavaScript Object to JSON = JSON.Stringify


From JSON back to JavaScript Object = JSON Parse

JSON Parse
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Sitepoint Json Sample Data
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JSON Stringify and Parsing
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JavaScript Functions
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JavaScript Promises

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MEAN Stack

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YouTube Channels Tutorials and Playlists

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Traversy PlayLists
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Other Tools and Resources HTML5 CSS3 Editors IDE's

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YouTube VS Code Traversy

Databases Mongo DB

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JavaScript Interview Questions

JavaScript Mock Interview 1 | JavaScript Mock Interview 2 | JavaScript Mock Interview 3 | JavaScript Interview Questions

Arrays Methods and Higher Order Functions

Array Methods w3schools | filter array method | Most Out of Arrays
array foreach method | foreach and for loop |
Study.com Lessons
** Loops in JavaScript **
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Local _Sandbox JavaScript

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AXIOS Crash Course


REST API Tutorial


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Express Template Engines

Express Resources Template Engines

HTML Document Object Model (DOM)

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Command Line

Learn the Command Line Code Academy | Command Line EDX

Code and Pre Tags!!

font: { 24px ; } p { color: red; } body { background-color: #eee; } code stuff here //todo.json key value pair must be in " " { "key:" "value" }
Chester the Pre and Code Tester!!!
Pre Tester
Code Tester


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JavaScript Snippets 1loc

1loc Snippets

Khan Academy

Processing Js


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JavaScript Applications Builder Resources

app.js, index.html, style.css

To-Do List Application Example

HTML DOM querySelector() Method

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Introduction to browser events

JavaScript info Browser Events | YT Browser Events | ** Mozilla Events **
Variation 2 Basic To Do Application in Vanilla JavaScript

js, //selectors, //event listeners, //functions

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Calculator JavaScript Application
Calculator Application

Web Dev Simplified Calculator

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Medium | BDO | Stack Overflow
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Odds and Ends

MDN Definition of Mutable ** JavaScript For Loop PlayGround ** | * Higher Order Functions and Arrays * | Template Literals | JavaScript Palindromes

JT Alarm Clock Assignment
SetIntervals w3 Set intervals

Round Clock Face JavaScript

  setInterval(() => {
    d = new Date(); //object of date()
    hr = d.getHours();
    min = d.getMinutes();
    sec = d.getSeconds();
    hr_rotation = 30 * hr + min / 2; //converting current time
    min_rotation = 6 * min;
    sec_rotation = 6 * sec;
    hour.style.transform = `rotate(${hr_rotation}deg)`;
    minute.style.transform = `rotate(${min_rotation}deg)`;
    second.style.transform = `rotate(${sec_rotation}deg)`;
  }, 1000);
Clock Face png | Style Transform | Style Transform JavaScript
Green Sock Clock Animation |




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Build A Clock With JavaScript YT Web Dev Simplified

In this video we will be covering CSS position, and transform extensively. We will also use CSS variables to make the JavaScript integration much easier. By the end of this quick video you will have a fully functional clock and more importantly increased your CSS and JavaScript skills significantly.

** Web Dev Simplified Variation ** | ** Codepen Web Dev Simplified Variation **

In this video lesson, you will learn to develop Alarm Clock in JS using datetime input control, setTimeout method and Audio Object.

** Verkko Net YT Alarm Clock ** CSS Animation Clock

World Clocks from CSS Animations or ???

Analog Clock Development Tutorial JavaScript CSS
** YT ** Analog Clock Development Tutorial JavaScript CSS
Bubble Sort
YT Quokka Currency App
YT Currency App Development Advanced Topics Async/Await/Promises