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JavaScript Study Session Methods

Spaced Repetitions

Note: This and That
Caution: Look Out Below!!!
Winner: Yahoo!!! Winner Winner!!
Fail: Warning Danger Danger!!!!

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
All JavaScript Topics

*** Codepen All JavaScript Topics in an Array ***

*** I Love Coding ***
I Love Coding Home Page
30 Days x 5 Topics Daily with Spaced Repetitions Built in
JavaScript List Array
Spaced Repetitions
Wiki Spaced Repitition | Ali Abdaal Spaced Repetition | Forgetting Curve | *** I Do Recall ***

forgetting curve I Love Coding

Objects are the overall Top Hierarchy

Arrays have 37 Sub Topics / 7 = 5 a Day

JSON has a few confusing things!

Day Number Topic Complexity
Ranking 1-5
Time Comprehension
Ranking 1-5
Date Last Addressed
One JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Two Arrays 5 120 3
Three Functions 4 60 3
Four Fundamentals 5 + 120 3
Five DOM 5 120 3
Six Arrays Loops Traverse 4 60 3
Seven JavaScript Objects Callbacks 5 + 120 3
Eight Functions Arrow Functions 5 120 3
Nine JSON Parse toString 4 60 3
Ten JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Eleven DOM 5 120 3
Twelve Arrays 4 60 3
Thirteen JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Fourteen Functions 5 120 3
Fifteen Arrays 4 60 3
Sixteen JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Seventeen Functions 5 120 3
Eighteen Arrays 4 60 3
Nineteen JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Twenty Functions 5 120 3
Twenty One Arrays 4 60 3
Twenty Two JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Twenty Three Functions 5 120 3
Twenty Four Arrays 4 60 3
Twenty Five JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Twenty Six Functions 5 120 3
Twenty Seven Arrays 4 60 3
Twenty Eight JavaScript Objects 5 + 120 3
Twenty Nine Functions 5 120 3
Thirty Arrays 4 60 3

1. Using Random Choice Picker set up choices ex. 1 to 10, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, etc as the app picks a number, correlate to the numbered list of JS Topics in demo 2s js list

Random Choice Picker

JavaScript List Array

3. Gather Resources via Research on w3, MDN, JS Tuts, JS Info, etc..top 10 resources and collect and gather into Text Expander
and or Build a Web Page in RLG JS Sandbox

4. Test Code Snippets for Validation Testing in JsConsole and Chrome Dev Tools, VS Code Debugging, Quokka, Etc

** Text Expander ** | Random Choice Picker | JS Console Testing | Codepen My Works | Github Gist My Stuff

RLG Home | RLG JavaScript | RLG JavaScript Sandbox | RLG JavaScript Fundamentals

w3schools.com | JavaScript Info | JavaScript Tutorials | Do Factory | MDN JavaScript Guide

** Text Expander **
Google Drive Tracker

JavaScript Interview Questions
RLG Interview Questions

Organize into Segments such as Fundamentals, Beginner Level, Intermediate Level Advanced and Interview Questions in Addition to BUILDING Apps and Demos

Maybe pick a few from each Segment and Split between 1 hour each for 3 hours and or mix it up as makes sense

Spaced Repitition

Active Recall, The Forgetting Curve,

** Plain English Variables DataTypes and Immutability in JavaScript ** | Spider Diagram | Inter Leaved Practice | List of JavaScript Topics | Topics.js
JavaScript List txt | ** JavaScript List Array ** code tag cool abcdefghijklmnop

3 x 10 Day Cycles = 30 Days, @ 20 to 60 Minutes per Subject, 4 to 6 Subjects Daily,
Spaced Repetitions, Color Coded on a 1 = Clueless to 5 = Can Interview @ 90% + Scale
1 = Red, 2 = Orange, 3 = Yellow, 4 = Blue, 5 = Green
Repeat 1, 2, 3 More Frequently, 4 and 5 Less Frequently


Cycle 1 - Ten Day Cycle
  1. 1. Objects, 10 Sub Topics
  2. 2. Arrays, 10 of 37 Sub Topics
  3. 3. Arrays, 10-20 of 37 Sub Topics
  4. 4. Arrays, 20-37 of 37 Sub Topics
  5. 5. JSON, 4 Sub Topics
  6. 6. Functions
  7. 7. DOM
  8. 8. Fundamentals
  9. 9. Best Practices
  10. 10. Summary Overview
Cycle 2
  1. 1. Call Backs
  2. 2. Event Handlers
  3. 3. Strings
  4. 4. Regex
  5. 5. Templating
  6. 6. Template Literals
  7. 7. For Do While Loops
  8. 8. Math
  9. 9. Time
  10. 10. Summary Overview
Cycle 3
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. 7.
  8. 8.
  9. 9.
  10. 10 .

I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding
I Love Coding

30 Days of JavaScript

JavaScript 160 Topics to Focus On | Codepen JavaScript Arrays and Sub-Topics
Day 1
Objects | Functions | Arrays | Loops | Regex| Strings
Day 2
JSON | JSON Array.js | JSON Parse.js | JSON txt |
Day 3
Day 4
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Day 5
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Day 6
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Day 7
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Day 8
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Day 9
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Day 10
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Day 11
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Day 12
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Day 13
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Day 14
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Day 15
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Day 16
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Day 17
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Day 18
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Day 19
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Day 20
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Day 21
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Day 22
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Day 23
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Day 24
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Day 25
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Day 26
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Day 27
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Day 28
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Day 29
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Day 30
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Last Updated:

Monday December 20 2021 0803 AM