Dream Host (VPS)

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

dreamhost website hosting

Top 10

Video Audio Animation
** Traversy Design Resources **
Flat Icon Arrows

The Hot Skills Design
Design Trends 2020 YT
Design Tools
Medi Bang

Youtube Favorites

Jesse Showalter

Mood Board


Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing

Thought Map
Project Plan



Node js


Wordpress Web Development

My Wordpress Development Platform Dev Mode

** Local FlyWheel ** | ** RGWP1 ** |
** Codex Wordpress ** | ** Developer Wordpress ** | ** Wordpress Field Guide
** Media Library File Types ** | ** Template Files ** | ** What is a Theme **
Difference between Theme and Plugin | Themes Main Stylesheet | ** Organizing Theme Files **

Wordpress Cheat Sheet

** Wordpress Cheat Sheet **

Wordpress Editors

** Customizer ** | Gutenberg Image Blocks | Gutenberg Overview from Code in WP
EGreen In Use on Pages Editor Visual Composer

Monday January 25 2021

Wordpress Tips and Tricks

Markdown Quick Reference

Wordpress Themes

Wordpress Plugins

Wordpress Plugins |

Wordpress Support


Wordpress Showcase


Advanced Wordpress

** Advanced Wordpress ** |


* Gutenberg * |


w3schools PHP | Permalinks | ** PHP Language Reference **
** Functions ** | ** Loops ** | ** If Statement **
PHP Stackoverflow Echo and Return

I always think of the "return" statement as a way to export data so that it can be reused. Returned data is delivered in its "raw" format. As for "echo", the data is always a string (even numbers) because it is targeting the computer monitor (or screen) which only accepts string values.


** Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power with Code **


Udemy Course Wordpress


The samp element

Message from my computer:

File not found.
Press F1 to continue


The push() method adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.


Saturday April 10  2021
Saturday April 10 2021 0849 AM
Doing the Right Tasks = Effectiveness as Opposed to Efficiency
  Enjoy the Journey, Does this Action Support the Life I am Trying to Create?
  Priority # 1-> 
  Priority # 2-> 
  Priority # 3-> 
  Priority # 4-> 
  Priority # 5-> 
  Which bring the most value to the organization
  Checking the dictionary again we find that effectiveness is all about doing the right tasks regardless of the time it takes.
  Highest and Best Use of Resources for the Desired Outcomes
  What Would Make Today Great?
  Drink 4 Glasses of Water Daily
  Stretch During Daily Calm
  Beat the Hangries, Meal Planning

Web Design Top 10
* Sketch App * | * Canva * | * Sketch *
* Figma * | * Editor X *
Quickdraw w/ Google | Pixlr |

Google Drawings on Google Drive

** Creative Market **
* Creative Market Project Template *
Visme | Venngage


Unsplash Business | Pexels | Unsplash
Pixabay | * Market Pixlr Stock Video Images and More *

Website Design

Adobe Color Illustrations | Wikipedia Design Definitions | Aesthetics | Composition
Elements and Principles | Graphics |
Information Graphics | Logo | Outline of Design and Development | Usability and ADA Compliance |
User Experience | User Interface | * Ideation * | Interaction Design Foundation | Golden Golden_ratio
Aspect Ratio Calculator | Color Designer Link to a Palette | * Style Tiles * | Design Inspiration

Style Guide

Style Guide


The Noun Project | Icons 8 | Flat Icons | Icon Finder
SVG Pro | Ico Moon | Tabler Icons

Website Layout

W3School Layout | W3 Navigation | W3 Opacity | Align | * BS Examples * | BS Grid Example | BS Templates | Responsive Design 2
Responsive Design 3 | Grid Examples | Breadcrumbs
CSS Internal, External, Inline | CSS Float | CSS Animation |

Great High Quality Design Examples

Praxent Website |

Mood Boards

Mood boards can be useful in Web design. They can also be useful for the purpose of making presentations, creating physical print projects, or for any type of comprehensive design work. Mood boards are often physical installations that are made with foam board or cardboard, where designers paste or attach individual objects onto the board. They look at these collections of curated objects to start to imagine the unified look and feel of a creative project. For example, someone using a mood board for Web design might start to put together images that all fit a certain style, along with visuals that have colors or color schemes in common. Looking at the mood board gives them a kind of creative road map in terms of designing the final project.

Canva | Adobe Spark | Figma | Wiki Mood Board | Milanote| * Trends *

Mockups and Wireframe Design Tools

* Moqups * | Balsamiq | Zurb Sketch | Sketch | Box Model

Wireframes Compared to Other Design Documents

* Top Wireframe Tools * | ** Dream Host Wireframing ** | ** Wireframe cc **

The terminology used in design documentation often gets used interchangeably, so let’s clarify the differences.
Think of wireframes as the skeleton. They loosely shape the final product, giving you a reliable idea of where everything will eventually go. The content is the muscle (and can be as meaty or trim as you want).
Next comes the mockup—the skin. Mockups are strictly visual. This is the documentation where you solidify your visual decisions, experiment with variations, and (optionally) create pixel-perfect drafts.
With the prototype, you breathe life into your creation. Prototypes test your interface ideas and generate the feedback necessary to keep the design headed in the right direction. Prototypes can (and should) be used during every stage of the design process, and can be in any fidelity. As we’ll discuss below, you can even make a lo-fi prototype by adding interactivity to a wireframe.
Remember that wireframes are only a means to a prototype. In other words, prototypes are the most functional, useful documentation you can create. Wireframes just help you focus the placement of content for your prototype.

thought map, wireframe, mockup, functional prototype, coded draft, work in progress site, etc..